Wednesday Nights at Bogey Hills

Every Wednesday Until May 8  |  Bogey Hills Baptist Church

1721 Treetop Drive, Saint Charles, MO 63303, USA

Wednesday nights are for all ages at Bogey Hills! Adults will focus on worship and corporate prayer, and the youth group will help lead elementary aged kids as they learn about missions and missionaries during Kids on Mission. Our little ones will have fun in the nursery with caregivers.

Kids on Mission is for kids who are potty-trained through 5th grade. Our goal is to give children an opportunity to pray for missions, learn about missions, give to missions, and do missions. They learn a lot but have a lot of fun too!

Most weeks we will begin at 7:00. On the first Wednesday of the month, we will begin at 6:00 with a pot-luck dinner. We hope you can join us!